Helping leaders overcome personal barriers

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 What we offer

trusted guidance for business
and organizational leaders

We help leaders increase their personal effectiveness by helping them overcome

  • mental
  • emotional
  • relational

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp …barriers

Today, more is expected from business and organizational leaders than ever before.

Often today’s work and home environments lead to tremendous levels of stress, anxiety, and self-doubt, resulting in leaders stumbling, which in turn causes them to be less effective.

We offer confidential, consistent, effective and proven strategies to help leaders face and overcome their personal challenges.


Helping companies and organization save money and time by restoring and revitalizing their leaders


Helping leaders overcome their personal barriers by helping them …

identify and change limiting belief systems
understand their strengths and how to capitalize on them
gain better work and home life balance
better navigate and communicate during conflicts
understand and establish healthy personal boundaries

Don’t just rehire – restore and revitalize your leaders!

Companies and organizations invest time and financial resources in leaders whose functioning begins to deteriorate. More often than not, their reduction in functioning creates performance and relational problems within their business environments as well. Replacing those leaders is expensive both financially and time-wise. Instead of paying thousands to “headhunters” seeking to find a replacement, and having to deal with training, and developing the new replacement, we offer an alternative. Tree City Consultants can save your company money and prevent the loss of productivity by helping to modify the leader’s attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that created the problem. Often what is needed is a “tune-up” or adjustment, not a replacement.

Get In Touch

Tree City Consultants

5070 N. Leather Pl., Boise, ID   83713-1812

+1 208-957-5090